Sisteme de comutatie si rutare (SCR)
Year: |
III TST-E Telecommunications Technologies
and Systems English language |
Course: |
Laboratory: |
Project: |
>>>>>> |
C O U R S E S (Room 368) |
Course 1: 26.02.25 8 am -10 am |
Chapter 1: Digital Switching |
Course 2: 06.03.25 10 am -12 pm |
4. Multiple
Stage Switch with Complete Permutation Paths (Clos) 5. Strictly
Non-Blocking Three-Stage Clos Switch |
Course 3: 11.03.25 8 am -10 am |
8. Generalization of Clos
condition 9. Multiple Stage Switches with
Single Path (Banyan) 10. Batcher-Banyan Switches
(optional) |
Course 4: 18.03.25 8 am -10 am |
11. Multiple Stage Switches with
Multiple Path 12. Time-Division Switching: T 13. Time-Space-Division
Switching: TS |
Course 5: 25.03.25 8 am -10 am |
14. STS Switch 15. TST Switch 16. TSSST Switch (optional) 17.
Practical examples of telephone exchanges and switch fabrics (optional) 18.
Switches in cloud (optional) |
Course 6: 01.04.25 8 am -10 am |
Chapter 2: Traffic Analysis 19. Characteristics of a Queuing
System 20. Models for Clients Arrivals:
Bernoulli, Poisson |
Course 7: 08.04.25 8 am -10 am |
M/M/1/∞ System 22.
M/M/1/N System TUTORIALS: Queuing Systems with Poisson arrivals and
services |
Course 8: 15.04.25 8 am -10 am |
M/M/m/∞ System. Erlang C
Formula 24.
M/M/m/m System. Erlang B Formula TUTORIALS: Queuing Systems with Poisson arrivals and
services |
22.04.25 |
Holiday |
Course 9: 29.04.25 8 am -10 am |
25. M/D/m/∞ and M/D/1/∞
Systems 26. M/G/1/∞ System. Pollaczek-Khinchin Formula 27. Traffic Processing TUTORIALS: Queuing Systems with Poisson arrivals and
services Queueing Systems with Poisson
arrivals, Poisson, Deterministic and General services |
Course 10: 06.05.25 8 am -10 am |
Chapter 3: Routing Algorithms 28. Basics of Routing:
Definitions |
Course 11: 13.05.25 8 am -10 am |
Bellman-Ford Algorithm 30.
Dijkstras Algorithm |
Course 12: 20.05.25 8 am -10 am |
31. Floyd-Warshall
Algorithm (optional) 32. Comparison between
Bellman-Ford, Dijkstras and Floyd-Warshall Routing
Algorithms 33. Cost function |
Course 13: 27.05.25 8 am -10 am |
34. Optimal Routing |
Course 14: 03.06.25 8 am -10 am |
* Review * Examples of subjects given at
2023-2024 exam |
>>>>>> |
L A B O R A T O R I E S (Rooms 211/A, 209) |
Lab. 1: 26.02.25 8 am 10 pm 27.02.25 4 pm 8 pm |
2331/1 (Room 211/A) 2331/2 (Room 209), 2331/3 (Room
209) |
Lab. 2: 05.03.25 8 am 10 pm 06.03.25 4 pm 8 pm |
Lab. 3: 12.03.25 8 am 10 pm 13.03.25 4 pm 8 pm |
3. Strictly Non-Blocking
Three-Stage Clos Switch 4. Software Package for
Designing Clos Switches TUTORIAL: Lab_3 (PowerPoint Presentation) SOFTWARE RESOURCES: Virtual machine VMware Player Hypervisor (version
17.6.2) |
Lab. 4: 19.03.25 8 am 10 pm 20.03.25 4 pm 8 pm |
5. Software Package for the
Simulation of Rectangular Delta Switches
6. Software Package for the
Simulation of Rectangular Omega Switches TUTORIAL: Lab_4 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
Lab. 5: 26.03.25 8 am 10 pm 27.03.25 4 pm 8 pm |
7. Multiple Stage Switch with
Multiple paths (Benes) 8. Software Package for the
Simulation of Benes Switches TUTORIAL: Lab_5 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
Lab. 6: 02.04.25 8 am 10 pm 03.04.25 4 pm 8 pm |
9. STS Switch 10. Software Package for
Designing STS Switches TUTORIAL: Lab_6 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
Lab. 7: 09.04.25 8 am 10 pm 10.04.25 4 pm 8 pm |
11. TST Switch 12. Software Package for
Designing TST Switches TUTORIAL: Lab_7 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
Lab. 8: 16.04.25 8 am 10 pm 17.04.25 4 pm 8 pm |
Chapter 2: Traffic Analysis 13. Software Package for the
Calculation of Binomial, Laplace-Gauss and Poisson Distributions 14. Software Package for the
Calculation of Erlang B and Erlang C Formulae TUTORIAL: Lab_8 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
23, 24.04.25 |
Holiday |
Lab. 9: 30.04.25 8 am 10 pm 01.05.25 4 pm 8 pm |
15. Problems within Chapter 2
(Traffic Analysis) Holiday
(to be recovered) TUTORIAL: Lab_9 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
01.05.24 |
Lab. 10: 07.05.25 8 am 10 pm 08.05.25 4 pm 8 pm |
16. Problems within Chapter 1 (Digital
Switching) + Chapter 2 (Traffic Analysis) TUTORIAL: Lab_10 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
Lab. 11: 14.05.25 8 am 10 pm 15.05.25 4 pm 8 pm |
Chapter 3: Routing Algorithms 17. Bellman-Ford Algorithm TUTORIAL: Lab_11 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
Lab. 12: 21.05.25 8 am 10 pm 22.05.25 4 pm 8 pm |
Dijkstras Algorithm 19.
Java Applet for Dijkstras Algorithm TUTORIAL: Lab_12 (PowerPoint Presentation) |
Lab. 13: 28.05.25 8 am 10 pm 29.05.25 4 pm 8 pm |
Project defending SCHEDULE No other project defending will be organized during academic year
2024-2025 !!! |
Lab. 14: 04.06.25 8 am 10 pm 05.06.25 4 pm 8 pm |
Recovery Laboratory No other recovery lab will be organized during academic year
2024-2025 !!! |
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P R O J E C T S (Room 211/A) |
P1: 28.02.25 4 pm 6 pm 07.03.25 4 pm 8 pm |
2331/1 2331/2, 2331/3 |
P2: 10.03.25 10 am 2 pm 17.03.25 10 am 12 pm |
2. Project subjects 3. Project assignment 4. Configuration example for
PBX-IP Based Asterisk and VoIP terminals 2331/2, 2331/3 2331/1 SOFTWARE RESOURCES: Project Demonstration |
P3: 24.03.25 10 am 2 pm 31.03.25 10 am 12 pm |
5. Working on project: SIP
(1XYZ, 2XYZ) and IAX2 (3XYZ, 4XYZ) subscribers 6. Design
recommendations |
P4: 07.04.25 10 am 2 pm 14.04.25 10 am 12 pm |
Working for project: Implementation of SIP functions (0/0.25/0.5/0.75/1 point) |
P5: 21.04.25 28.04.25 10 am 2 pm 05.05.25 10 am 12 pm |
8. Working for project:
Implementation of IAX2 functions (0/0.25/0.5/0.75/1 point) Holiday |
P6: 12.05.25 10 am 2 pm 19.05.25 10 am 12 pm |
9. Working on project:
Integration of SIP and IAX functions |
P7 26.05.25 8 am 2 pm |
Project recovery + Q & A No other project recovery will be organized during academic year
2024-2025 !!! |
update: 1 March 2025